
2 Day Review

A great way to start the long-term transformation of your business. Over two days, deploying an in-depth diagnostic questionnaire, our experts carry out a full review and analysis of the issues your business faces and the processes you have in place, revealing the opportunities available to you. The result is a detailed, personalised roadmap to success, that describes the practical, workable solutions that will help your business forge strongly ahead.

Full consultancy

In 6 modules – which can start with the 2 Day Review – our unique Rainbow Growth Ladder diagnoses issues, strengthens your strategic direction and covers all aspects of your business.

We start with a comprehensive audit to give us a full understanding of your business, then deploy the Ladder to guide you painlessly through the process of creating a strategic plan that works. The modules cover every aspect of your business – they take in finances and funding, how to improve your management structure and make operations more efficient, and even advise on targeted marketing and sales using our unique TABS lead generation process.

Then we conclude by building in robust systemisation so the good work can continue effortlessly. Like all rainbows, there’s a pot of gold at the end – and it’s called success.

On-going advisory

We won’t leave you in the lurch. Once you have benefited from the 2 Day Review or Full Consultancy, we offer a helpful on-going support service at NED and Chair level. Our expert advisors continue to share their business acumen, developing your board’s knowledge and skills with robust advice, and provide ad hoc support whenever they need it.

It’s an exclusive mentoring/coaching approach from friendly experts who know from experience how to overcome the pain points you are feeling.